Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The best things in life aren't always what you want.

"It just goes to show you that the best things in life aren't always the things you plan or even the things you initially want." My friend Sam wrote this in her very first Blog and it truly touched me when I read it.

I was just thinking today about how I have done and am doing so many things with my life that I never thought I would do, in fact many of them are things that I never wanted to do. I moved up to no where's ville Wyoming, started school, and now I'm going on a mission for my church (see Every one of these things is something that I never wanted. Not just indifferent but did NOT want to do it ever. It just goes to show how the Lord leads and guides our lives. That may sound discouraging "If I let God lead me then I'll have to do the things I don't want to do" but the true miracle is that when you desire to know His will and follow it you find joy so exquisite that you never would have allowed yourself to have. I would have denied myself of the greatest blessings I have ever had if I had stubbornly stuck to what I wanted.

Sam I thank you for your profound statement.

Monday, July 28, 2008

This I believe

He knows me, he loves me, He desires to bless me, and He always knows and wants what is best for me. I am literally a spirit daughter of God. He is always there ready to help me as soon as I am ready to let him.

Jesus Christ:
He is my savior my redeemer, my advocate with the Father, my friend, and elder brother. Because of His great atoning sacrifice I am able to repent. He is one with the Father in all things. He is my every thing.

The Holy Ghost:
Because of this great member of the Godhead I am able to understand what God the Father and Jesus Christ would have me do. All truth, light, and knowledge come through Him. He sanctifies me and puts the “stamp of approval” on all the ordinances of the gospel.

The Restoration:
I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true and restored church of Jesus Christ. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ in the sacred Grove. Because of this the restoration was able to happen. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. I know that all of the priesthood keys have been restored and we are able to make sacred covenants in the temple. My knowledge and testimony of the restoration is the key to my faith in all the teachings of the church. Christ is the cornerstone of my faith, but without the restoration of the truth, I would not know Christ. see

“I have a family here on earth; they are so good to me. I want to share my life with them through all eternity. Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father’s plan. I always want to be with my own family, and the Lord has shown me how I can.” The family is central to the plan of happiness. I have a lovely family and they help me through this life. There is a reason why I was sent to the family that I have. I do not know the full extent of it, but I am confident that I could not become all that I need to if I had a different family.

My Future Spouse:
I will be his “dearest friend” and he will be mine.
I believe that he will be everything that I am promised in my patriarcle blessing. If I am to marry I will not settle for less than what every daughter in Zion deserves.

A true friend knows who you are and loves you because of it. They help you to become all that you can be, in their presence you think your best thoughts, and do your best deeds. When I am being a true friend I do the same for them. I keep confidences confidential; I do not talk down to them or talk about them in a degrading manner especially when they are not around.

Self Esteem:
I believe that having good self esteem is very important. Good self esteem is knowing who you want to be, and either being that person or actively working to become that person. When I have good self esteem it means that I am not putting myself above others to make me feel good. I can be happy with who I am independent of what others think of me but not independent of what God thinks of me.

Success is relative. When I meet my goals without cheating, or compromising myself I have achieved success. Success is going out and living my life. If I just sit around and let life happen to me then I will not be successful. Success is being healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Success brings happiness and fulfillment to my life. I cannot blame others or my learning disability for my lack of success.

“A life lived in fear is a life half lived.” (from the movie Strictly Ballroom) “Fear is the mind killer… I will face my fear… I will let it pass through me…only I will remain.” (taken from the Dune book series) Fear and Faith cannot coexist. Whenever I am afraid of something I must work through that fear and conquer it.

Adversity comes in to everyone’s life, it is necessary for my progression and my salvation. When it does I must look at it as Nephi of old. I will ask “What am I to do? What am I to learn from this experience? Who am I to help? How can I remember my many blessings in times of trial?” Adversity comes in different forms and requires different responses, but my trust in Heavenly Father must be constant no matter what.

I will make a difference in people’s lives. I will enjoy the work that I do, or it is not worth doing. It will be fascinating, interesting, and stimulating. It will not just be a “job” it will be a way of life. I will make plenty of money, in other words I will have enough money for my needs, I will be able to help others, and there will be enough to have a comfortable retirement when the time comes.

It is not necessary to get a “degree” in order to get an “education”. If everyone went to college then there would be no one to pick up the trash. I know that this is an over simplification, but what I mean is that college is not the only answer when it comes to education. It is important to always be learning something new and advancing as much as you can as a human being. Getting as much knowledge of Jesus Christ as you can is the most important education.

Who I am:
I am a Daughter of God. My life has meaning purpose and direction. I have a divine destiny and I am the master of that destiny. I am a good person who has the potential to become something great.

My biggest problem

This is me...age 21 and aproximately 360 lbs. Yes that's right 3-6-0 it's not a typo. I've been working hard, off and on, for the past 6 years to get the weight off. Yes 6 years, that's what happens when you only work on it "off and on". Now I'm finally down to 224.5 lbs. My initial goal was to get down to 180 because that would be half the woman that I used to be. I've only got 44.5lbs left to go and I am very excited. I have made a new goal for myself though. I want to be 130lbs now. The funny thing is that I've already lost more than my goal weight. If you do the math you will realise that in the end I will have lost 230lbs... just a little bit more than what I weigh now as a morbidly obese woman.

Memories of the way we were....and a cute picture of some pigs.

Memory Time!!!!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. I will revisit your blog and leave a memory as well!!

Happy Memory making!!

My Review of Prince Caspian (warning this may spoil it for you if you haven't seen it)

So I just saw this movie last night. It was pretty good...don't worry I won't spoil the ending. (yet) But I was dissapointed they breezed right through the whole point of the movie so that they could cram in more action and more "hot" Prince Caspian time. Anyways the point of the book was that you should follow Christ no matter what other people are doing. If you don't follow him and then repent don't waste time wondering about what might have been, you can't do anything about the past. You can however change the present and future and that's what really matters. The other thing that was a really important point was that durring all the wars and hardships Peter and the other kids kept on wondering "where's Aslan?" Peter even thought that Aslan wasn't comming at all and that they could use their own strength to defeat their enemies instead of having Aslan's help and strength. But the thing is Aslan was there when they first arrived he was available to help them from the very begining, but they didn't go to him. They didn't believe that he was truely there. (Also Susan's horn was in Narnia if the Narnians had used it they wouldn't have suffered for so long.) They wanted him to come to them on their own terms looking for miracles and signs that were spectacular instead of listening to the most humble of them all...Lucy who was a little child. Also I found it a bit amusing and rather dissapointing that they had to add a love story between Susan and the Prince. What the heck? Why do they have to add that garbage? Esp. Susan kissing the Prince right before she left. Nothing like teaching kids that they should be adolecent smoochers. I hate it when they have such young kids kissing especially when it's pointless and doesn't mean anything. Also what was with Peter and the prince being so tempted by the White witch? I guess it was to let Edmund have a chance to redeam himself...but it was unnecessary and it made it seem even more like Aslan had abandoned them when they were the ones who were forsaking him. It is always better to stay as close to the book as possible but this one had to be holywooded up. Anyways....that's my review.