The following was taken from Having a 72 hour kit has been on my mind for some time now. I'm sharing this information in the hope that it will inspire you all to make and keep one handy.
Your family can be prepared by storing basic emergency supplies in one convenient place. You can gather your own emergency items, such as:
An extra change of clothing
A sweater or coat, hat, and gloves
Your scriptures
Your journal
Toothpaste, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, soap, and a washcloth
A flashlight
A whistle
Emergency contact information
72 hours’ worth of food and water for each person and pet
Blankets and sheets (for warmth or carrying someone who is hurt)
Puzzles, games, and books
Click to View Larger FormatIllustrations by Matt Smith
For more ideas, visit the “Food Storage and Preparedness” section at, and
[illustrations] Illustrations by Matt Smith
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