Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The best things in life aren't always what you want.

"It just goes to show you that the best things in life aren't always the things you plan or even the things you initially want." My friend Sam wrote this in her very first Blog and it truly touched me when I read it.

I was just thinking today about how I have done and am doing so many things with my life that I never thought I would do, in fact many of them are things that I never wanted to do. I moved up to no where's ville Wyoming, started school, and now I'm going on a mission for my church (see Every one of these things is something that I never wanted. Not just indifferent but did NOT want to do it ever. It just goes to show how the Lord leads and guides our lives. That may sound discouraging "If I let God lead me then I'll have to do the things I don't want to do" but the true miracle is that when you desire to know His will and follow it you find joy so exquisite that you never would have allowed yourself to have. I would have denied myself of the greatest blessings I have ever had if I had stubbornly stuck to what I wanted.

Sam I thank you for your profound statement.

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