Monday, July 28, 2008
My Review of Prince Caspian (warning this may spoil it for you if you haven't seen it)
So I just saw this movie last night. It was pretty good...don't worry I won't spoil the ending. (yet) But I was dissapointed they breezed right through the whole point of the movie so that they could cram in more action and more "hot" Prince Caspian time. Anyways the point of the book was that you should follow Christ no matter what other people are doing. If you don't follow him and then repent don't waste time wondering about what might have been, you can't do anything about the past. You can however change the present and future and that's what really matters. The other thing that was a really important point was that durring all the wars and hardships Peter and the other kids kept on wondering "where's Aslan?" Peter even thought that Aslan wasn't comming at all and that they could use their own strength to defeat their enemies instead of having Aslan's help and strength. But the thing is Aslan was there when they first arrived he was available to help them from the very begining, but they didn't go to him. They didn't believe that he was truely there. (Also Susan's horn was in Narnia if the Narnians had used it they wouldn't have suffered for so long.) They wanted him to come to them on their own terms looking for miracles and signs that were spectacular instead of listening to the most humble of them all...Lucy who was a little child. Also I found it a bit amusing and rather dissapointing that they had to add a love story between Susan and the Prince. What the heck? Why do they have to add that garbage? Esp. Susan kissing the Prince right before she left. Nothing like teaching kids that they should be adolecent smoochers. I hate it when they have such young kids kissing especially when it's pointless and doesn't mean anything. Also what was with Peter and the prince being so tempted by the White witch? I guess it was to let Edmund have a chance to redeam himself...but it was unnecessary and it made it seem even more like Aslan had abandoned them when they were the ones who were forsaking him. It is always better to stay as close to the book as possible but this one had to be holywooded up. Anyways....that's my review.
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