Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mission Plans

I just talked to my bishop today about getting started on my mission paperwork. I still need to wait a few months but I am way psyched. It's funny how a little comment made by this same bishop not too long ago sparked my desire to serve a mission. I just found out today that there is no age limit for women who want to serve a mission. I thought it was 30, but I thought wrong. Every time I start to plan when I want to go I choose an earlier date. I've gone from: when I finish school (4-ish years from now), to next fall, to April, to March 1st...who knows when I'll decide to go next!?

1 comment:

Jewelianna said...

I talked to Emily today and I brought up that you are planning on going on a mission. She was super excited for you. She thinks you'll be an awesome missionary.
I do too. :) But I'm sure going to miss you. (I say that like you don't already live two states away...) Hopefully you'll be on a mission where you can email friends. (Or maybe you can just list me as family. ... Cailin's auntie Cari lol)