Saturday, August 16, 2008

The snake river will never be the same again.

This was my first experience white water rafting and now I'm in love. Kiersten invited me to join her in this adventure and her ward payed for it (thanks again!). The first time down was rather uneventful, I even was able to keep my hat on! It was like a little jaunt nothing too exciting happened. Except for some "oar wars" when our paddling was off.

Rafting pictures of the 9:30am ride:

Oh but the second time down was another story all together. I was the lucky girl who got to be the head rower on the left. My job was to set the pace so to speak. In my opinion it was the best position and I recommend it highly. When we got to the calm mile we were able to jump out of the boat and swim in the balmy 57 degree water. I actually wanted to jump in but I didn't want to make anyone lug my 225lb body back into the boat. So Kiersten, being the great friend that she is, pulled me in by force. Clinging to a hand grip and yelling "no no no no no" didn't deter her in the slightest. It took about 4 people to get me back in, it was quite an experience. As I lay panting half in the boat and half on the side I realised that these people probably hate me now (or those who dragged me in). So I broke the awkwardness by saying "I'd like to thank all the little people who've made this possible." Much to my relief everyone laughed. The first time I fell out I was the only one. All of a sudden I was in the water and there was a foot in my face. I remember wondering "why is there a foot in my face?" and then I had a short panic when I thought that the boat would run me over. I could hear the guide calling "where is she?" and then seeing me clinging to the front of the boat she called for others to pull me in. My life vest was pulled up over my head and I almost stuck my head through the arm hole. It was pulled back over my head and tightened so much that it acted as a girdle/suffocation device. I had lost my hat. Unfortunately there isn't a picture of that one. Later we hit the big kahuna. A total of 3 people fell out on that one. Two girls were "riding the bull" on the prow of the ship and one flew out taking the right lead rower with her and the other one...well you can see her feet in the air falling back into the boat. I look like I'm leisurely climbing out of the boat but in reality I was flung against my will. One minute I was in the boat and the next I was thinking "what am I doing in the water?" I was quite shocked by this turn of events. Then I thought "what is this thing in my hand? A paddle what do I need that for?" It was then that I realised that I needed to swim back to the boat. I am still proud of my self for hanging onto my paddle. I shoved it towards Kiersten and she handed me hers. When my boat mates stopped laughing at losing three of us they pulled me back into the boat. I had been pulled into a mess of bodies and I remained in a "V" position with my feet sticking out of the boat for what seamed an eternity, it turns out that your back doesn't like to make a "V" shape when you are tummy down with your feet in the air and your head up too. I was so cold that I couldn't move. I remember a girl kindly offering me her seat but I was powerless to gain it. Eventually I was able to get up and sit down. I would do it all again in a heart beat.

Now for the exciting ones from the 11:30 ride:

This morning I have many "pretty" bruises, even some on my hands I didn't hit any rocks sooo...water must be harder than I thought.

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