Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hawaii Here I Come

After many years of small nudges and promptings from the Lord, I have finally decided to serve a mission. As I look back at all the years of little hints I see how well the Lord knows me. He knew that if He told me that I had to serve a mission I wouldn't do it. So He sent me small hints and experiences that gradually sunk in untill serving a mission finally became my idea. Late last year I started working on my mission papers. This work finally bore fruit the day after Christmas. I recieved my mission call to Honolulu Hawaii (English speaking). I report to the MTC on April 1st of this year. And now you the reader know the whole story including all the details about where, when, and how I will be serving, that I know myself.


Samantha said...

Finally somewhere i can talk to you about this! I'm overwhelmingly excited for you. you are my hero! Hopefully I can see you before you go!

Cari said...

I am planning to come up to school soon, well not for school but to take care of some buisness. I hope that I can live up to the responsibility of being a hero ;). Hope to see you soon!

Jamie Jo said...

Yeahhhh! I am so excited for you. What an adventure, and what a great reason to go: you WANT to serve. You will be awesome. I believe you can set up your blog so that you can actually update it via email so you can keep us all updated on the fun mission stories coming our way.
Congrats, Sister!