I've decided to study the four Gospels in the King James version of the Holy Bible and to post what I find here on my Blog. I hope and pray that as I learn from the word of God that He will inspire me with greater insight and knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ. I also hope that anyone reading this will also be inspired and enjoy going down this journey with me. I haven't really blogged about this before so I'm excited to try something new.
While reading in Matthew chapters 1-2 and Luke 2 I was impressed with a certain theme presented in these books. That of receiving and following the guidance given us from God. In Matthew 1-2 it states over and over again how Joseph and Mary are given instructions and because they follow them (wither given in dreams or by heavenly messengers) the words of the Prophets are fulfilled. When we do what we are asked to do by God then we fulfill His word. We become a part of His work! How exciting is that? Even the wise men were prompted and followed instructions saving the life of God's Son. What an important roll they had in helping Him grow up safely. They even brought presents which helped give financial means to Mary and Joseph to travel and live in a foreign land until it was safe to return. What great blessings we can be in the lives of others when we do what God asks us to do!
I was also thinking about Simeon in Luke 2:25-29. He was given a feeling by the Spirit that he would see his Lord before he died. Now because of this he was faithful his WHOLE life waiting for the blessing to be given. Wow not that's dedication! He was in the temple (the house of God) doing his duty and following the Spirit and that is why he received the blessing that he was promised so many years ago. How wonderful is that? That through his faithfulness he got to see his Savior, and by the Spirit he knew the babe was his Savior. I would infer from this story that Simeon had often throughout his life received guidance from the Spirit and followed it to see the blessings revealed. These experiences throughout his life prepared him to follow this one that gave him such great joy. May I be like Simeon and follow the Spirit so that I can continually renew my faith in my God!
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