Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mark 9:24

If I lack the faith to receive a miracle, then I can call out to Christ to help me to gain that faith.
I love the story in Mark 9 about the father that brings his son to the Savior to receive the help that he needs. He first had faith to bring his son to the Apostles. Because they were not prepared they were not able to cast out the evil Spirit. This is a story about preparedness just as much as it is about having faith to receive a miracle. The father was prepared to receive a blessing at the hand of the Apostles, but the Apostles had not properly prepared themselves. It is so important to always be ready to receive a blessing or to give one. I must live in such a way that whenever the Lord calls I am ready and willing to answer "here am I send me".
Perhaps the father's faith was tested by the first failed attempt at curing his son. But he had the faith to take his son to the Savior. He knew that there was power in the Savior's touch, even if that power was not completely manifest in the Savior's Apostles. It was at this moment of truth when the Savior and the son are brought together that his faith began to falter, but he "cried out and said with tears Lord, I believe help thou mine unbelief." I put the key words in Italics. The father had great feeling in his plea, he knew his faith was faltering and cried out for help and strength to believe. This miracle strengthened his belief for he was not asking for a sign he was asking, no pleading, for help. I do this so often I need that extra help to do the tasks that need to be done to have the faith to do what the Lord has asked, or to come to him with my problems. I love this story because it shows how the Savior will help us to build our faith in him.

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