Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Widow's Mite

As I considered the story of the Widow's Mite I received new insight into what this story is all about.

She gave the small amount that she had in the spirit of sacrifice and devout intent, as opposed to the rich young man who had much but was unwilling to give it all up to follow Jesus. She is showing her extreme trust in how the Lord will take care of those who follow Him with all they have. This story reminds me of the parable Jesus spoke when He counseled His Disciples to “consider the lilies” they grow for the glory of God and therefore God takes care of their needs. This widow gave with all of her heart knowing that God would provide more for her than those two small coins could do. Another part of this experience that stands out to me is that Jesus sat watching the people. He was there on that day physically but the Angels of God are always watching our actions and recording wither we do righteously or selfishly. He is showing that he knows our hearts and is always watching. Not for opportunities to condemn, but for opportunities to give blessings.

Christ is watching and waiting to poor out blessings upon me but the only way for me to receive them is for me to do all I can to serve Him. There is no other way. As I think about this story it reminds me of times when I have selfishly “taken care of myself” when in reality if I had forgotten myself and gotten to work then God would have taken care of me. Sometimes I have wondered why God hasn’t fulfilled the promises He has given me. Gently the Spirit (and sometimes not so gently) reminds me that I don’t need to worry about God keeping His promises, I need to worry about keeping my own. He is always willing to give me what I need, but He cannot do so unless I obey the laws of the gospel with “the spirit of sacrifice and devout intent”.  

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