Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Toes are a terrible thing to waste

A recent misadventure, involving trying to sit on a bench, has brought home to me the importance of toes. I walked toward a bench/love seat on my parent's back porch and stubbed my pinkie toe it didn't hurt more than usual but I do remember thinking that it "crunched". This little accident, which happens to me all the time but is not limited to benches, resulted in a broken pinkie toe. I now have a purple and slightly swollen toe, and you bet this little guy has seen better days. I have stubbed my toes many many times on various "torture" devices but I haven't done it so well as to break a bone until yesterday. A slight limp and a dull ache are the results not too bad considering that a bone was snapped. But this incident has brought home to me how important my toes are. They help me balance, pick things up off the ground without having to bend over and other various purposes. The worst part is that when your toes don't feel good you can't do as many fun things, like hiking with your sisters in the morning, as you were able to before they were out of commission. The funny thing is that I avoid doing "dangerous" things so that I won't get hurt. But it turns out that trying to sit on a porch is what did my toe in. I guess I should just go out and live a little since I get hurt anyways. I should go and do much more wild and dangerous things and possibly break other members of my body but at least I would have some fun!

1 comment:

Jewelianna said...

Oh your poor poor toe.

So...I'm going to look at houses in Maricopa tomorrow. Never thought I'd really leave Mesa.

And, I usually try not to correct people...but you have a couple typos on your link for the church website on the left.
You don't have to fix it. I just feel better having told you. I'm obsessive like that.