As my mom walked by my dad she bent to give him a kiss. My dad looked back to see what she was doing and burped right in her face. My mother was surprised and blinked a few times and then she kissed him anyways. Now that's true love.
You can't buy memories like that.
LOL! That must come with years of marriage. I've been with Mike almost four years (two married) and I am yet to hear him burp, so I think I would be too shocked to know what to do.
How's that for being lucky? Not only have I never heard him burp, he's never farted around me either. I love it! People like to tell me that it will change with time. I like to ask them if they read palms too.
hahahaha! That is soo like your mom! :)
Thanks for the memory you left on my blog! I totally remember that moment like it was last week! I love you! :)
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